UNIZULU’s Law Student in a USA Institute for Student Leaders

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UNIZULU’s Law Student in a USA Institute for Student Leaders

UNIZULU’s Law Student in a USA Institute for Student Leaders

Yanelisa Menzangabom, a final year University of Zululand (UNIZULU) LLB student recently became a recipient of the Study of the United for Student Stated Institute for Students Leaders on Civic Engagement. The Programme took place from January 4 to February 8, 2020.

This Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Student Leaders was a five-to-six-week academic program designed for undergraduate students to expand their understanding of the United States and to improve their leadership skills. Institutes include a four-week academic residency consisting of supportive classroom activities, dialogs, lectures, readings, site visits, and workshops; a one-week educational study tour to a different region of the United States; leadership skills-building activities; community service and opportunities to interact with their American peers on a college campus.

There were more than five thousand applicants received and only three applicants were selected from South Africa.” This was my highlight thus far as the UNIZULU student. This was very educational as well as informative. I had a time of my life starting from the lecture halls, to site visits I learned a lot. I managed to gain a lot of knowledge. “said Menzangabom.

The programme began in Washington DC where the candidates were hosted by Meridian International Centre where they spent three days with different diplomacy offices and meeting all International Relations Stakeholders. This was followed by Memphis City, in Tennessee State, where the candidates met with different NGO’s and local government stakeholders dealing with housing issues for the homeless and gentrification in the United States of America. The last leg was when he went to Seattle, in Washington State. In Seattle, the candidates were hosted by the University of Washington in conjunction with Foundation for International Understanding through Students who were also the facilitators of the programs in Washington.

To be accepted into the programme, Menzangabom had to first submit an essay stating his reasons for wanting to go to the US along with his academic record. When he was called for the second phase, he sent a letter of recommendation which he received from his mentor in the UNIZULU law clinic.

The study of the U.S Institute promotes a better understanding of the people, institutions, and culture of the United States among students as well as scholars’.

This was Menzangabom’s first time flying,

He lived his dream by flying to the US. His message to all his peers is that “NEVER STOP DREAMING” dreams do come true.


  • Precious Shamase


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