Productive Things to do During Load Shedding

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Productive Things to do During Load Shedding

Productive Things to do During Load Shedding

Load shedding: a proudly South African term that describes a state that has become the bane of every citizen’s existence. We beg your pardon if, by merely reading those two infamous words, your emotions have flared. Honestly, this reaction is understandable. If the power-cuts don’t trigger frustration due to the inability to perform a work or home task, it is bound to cause anger at Eskom or the government. And if the latter is not applicable, boredom is probably the resultant emotion as most of our modern-day sources of entertainment are electric. Perhaps the worst impact of load shedding in recent years has been the loss of revenue for or even closure of some businesses. 

But what if, instead of spending those dreadful two or four hours without power venting or being unproductive, we actually put that time to good use? How, you may be wondering. suggests among other things meditation, playing with pets or calling a friend for a catch-up session. Ongoye Online spoke to three staff members who also shared their strategies for rising above load shedding. We hope you will find these useful. 

Nkosingiphile Zungu, a lecturer in the Department of Information Studies, believes that load shedding need not be a hinderance when academics prepare for that period. “Because we know beforehand when load shedding will be, we have the opportunity to prepare for that period. We can print teaching or research content so that we have it in hard copy,” he said. Zungu also emphasised the essence of charging the laptop ahead of time to continue performing computer-based tasks. 

Sharing Zungu’s sentiments, Dr Tholaine Matadi, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Law, said her strategy for remaining productive at work during load shedding entails hybrid teaching and learning. She loads notes on Moodle (the online learning platform) and instructs her students to read these before the lecture. The class therefore becomes a discussion session. She also stresses that each student brings a fully charged laptop so that they can refer to the notes while the discussion occurs. 

“At home, when load shedding takes place during the day, it’s time to bond with the family – the kids and the partner. You will notice that during this time everyone focuses on the phone. Social media is taking much of our attention. So, these two hours should be used to talk as a family, read or share stories, laugh together,” she recommended. 

For Nelly Ntshangase, a lab assistant in the Department of Chemistry, load shedding is always an excuse to visit her friend whose area does not experience power-cuts on the same time as hers. 

-Naledi Hlefane  


Top Pic

Dr Tholaine Matadi, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Law.

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Nelly Ntshangase, Lab Assistant in the Department of Chemistry.

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Nkosingiphile Zungu, Lecturer in the Department of Information Studies.


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