UNIZULU Putting a stance against GBV Awareness

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UNIZULU Putting a stance against GBV Awareness

UNIZULU Putting a stance against GBV Awareness

The Pastoral Care Unit in collaboration with Transformation and Social Inclusion, hosted students,  particularly First year students  to a Gender Based Violence (GBV)  awareness campaign held in the King Bhekuzulu hall, KwaDlangezwa Campus. This campaign raises awareness about gender-based violence and discourages violent, offensive and discriminatory behaviour on campus  and also Encourage victims to speak about their experiences …

In her welcome speech, the Director in the Vice Chancellor’s Office, Professor Nontokozo Mashiya, indicated that the university of Zululand has a clear stance in terms of GBV, it is not tolerated on campus. She emphasized how it has done its best to ensure that GBV is dealt with. There is a policy in place that stance how the institution views GBV, how it deals with it as well as the repercussions for those who commit GBV.

“This year, we have a series of educational programmes we have planned with a theme “Eradicating GBV at UNIZULU. Today’s topic focuses on enhancing your understanding of GBV, it is a buildup programme towards the achievement of the main theme. We want you to have full understanding of what GBV is to that we join hands in fighting this pandemic. “Said Prof Mashiya

The audience sat in rapt attention as Advocate Heidi Schoeman from the faculty of Commerce, Administration and Law gave her presentation on   GBV and its impact on Tertiary Institutions as well as knowing the signs of GBV. “Some of the challenges that are experienced by Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) ,is dealing with GBV. Gender based violence and in particular sexual violence is a serious life threatening issue that primarily affect women and children. People do not report it due to fear of victimization. We need to break the silence.” Explained Advocate Schoeman.

Senior Lecturer from the Law Department, Dr Kanagie Nadioo spoke about the Protection Orders and the consequences of abusing the process. She affirmed that UNIZULU will leave no stone unturned in infusing the spirit of gender equality among all students to ensure their safety. “It is encouraging to see the support for this campaign. It is time for us to literally break the silence. Change is needed, Take your place in society.”

A representative from MGuard Chase gave a presentation on the initiative which is brought to by UNIZULU to protect and serve the students as far as safety is concerned. Students have to download and install the app to be on the database and stay protected.

The session ended with a question-and-answer which was very educational and informative.

– Precious Shamase


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