Mthembu to Reclaim Her Top Achiever Status in 2023

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Mthembu to Reclaim Her Top Achiever Status in 2023

Mthembu to Reclaim Her Top Achiever Status in 2023

The year 2022 taught Nonjabulo Mthembu two important lessons: firstly, that when one deviates from their priorities, they are bound to pay a hefty price at the end, and secondly, that the road to academic success is not always smooth sailing.

Mthembu is a third-year student who is pursuing a BCom Banking and Business Management degree. She describes herself as a high achiever who has always been among the top 10 students in every class. At the end of 2022 however, she had a rude awakening when she discovered that she hadn’t made the top 10.

“Reflecting on last year’s performance, I can honestly say that I did not do as well as I had wanted to. I managed to obtain marks that were in the 60s, which is unlike me because I always get distinctions or just below 75%, especially with theory-based modules like Business Management and Banking. But because I was not fully focused on my studies last year, I did not get the results I wanted,” Mthembu admitted.

A year of firsts for the 24-year-old, 2022 also saw Mthembu’s introduction to Statistics – a module she had difficulty understanding all year round.

“I would often leave the lecture room feeling like I had not understood a single word the lecturer said. Even consultations with the lecturer didn’t seem to help me much. I actually cried during my final exam because even though I had studied, I felt like I didn’t understand any of the questions on the paper. Even afterwards, I cried and called my mom who comforted me. Miraculously, I passed it,” she shared.

In 2023, Mthembu said she has learnt a great deal from her past mistakes and has devised a full proof plan which involves prioritising her studies more than her social life. She is also resolute on grasping the fundamentals of Statistics so that she can pass the module with higher marks.

Mthembu said her biggest motivation is her four-year-old son, whom she wants to adequately provide for. She is also inspired by her mother who is holds higher education in high regard and is in possession of three qualifications.

– Naledi Hlefane


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