UNIZULU Vice-Chancellor Welcomes First Batch of 2023 FTENs

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UNIZULU Vice-Chancellor Welcomes First Batch of 2023 FTENs

UNIZULU Vice-Chancellor Welcomes First Batch of 2023 FTENs

The 2023 registration week for first-time entering students (FTENS) at the University of Zululand (UNIZULU) commenced today (Monday, 30 January) and is scheduled to conclude on Friday, 3 February 2023.

This year’s online registration experience promises to be swift and hassle-free with just 14 easy steps.

This period will sure be a defining moment for first-year students as it solidifies their decision to embark on their undergraduate journey with UNIZULU.

This week is equally critical for the institution for which the student population is the bedrock.

Professor Xoliswa Mtose, UNIZULU Vice-Chancellor and Principal, acknowledges that students are “in many ways the heart of UNIZULU, the very reason for the existence of this university”.

She assures that the University is committed to serving its students and essentially ensuring that UNIZULU becomes a home away from home for them.

While the university is determined to create a conducive environment for student learning, Professor Maria Sewela Mabusela, Director of Teaching and Learning within the Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC), emphasises that students also have a huge part to play in their overall academic success.

“At the first-year level, students must possess the attributes of consistency; communication and problem-solving; self-discipline; organisational and study skills; time management and resilience. I believe that these skills will assist you to transition from high school to university life,” she says.

Prof Mtose says that FTENs are joining the institution at an opportune time when it is on the precipice of even more greatness. “There are multiple opportunities on our campuses. Let us commit together to advance this wonderful institution, to transform it, to continue to transform ourselves, and to leave lasting changes that will improve UNIZULU for future generations of students,” she adds.

FTEN registration will be followed by orientation week from Monday, 6 February to Friday, 10 February. This programme is organised by the Teaching and Learning Centre with a view of helping FTEN acclimatise to university life.

– Naledi Hlefane


Pictured: An excited quartet after registering for their first year in 2022.

Picture by: James Thwala


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