| A node for African thought



A message that I thought I should share with all the creatures living on this God created land, is that of LOVE. In his book named: ISILWANE, THE ANIMAL, an African seer, healer, Sangoma and medicine man, from the nation of AmaZulu, Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa, a human being of LOVE, teaches us that:

“In olden days people viewed heaven and Earth, the spiritual and the physical, as one beautiful thing. People viewed God as being not only with us on Earth and in heaven, but also within us. We were taught by ancient Africans that we are part of God (as a little pebble is part pf a great mountain), and because of this, we should beware of doing anything against the teaching and the nature of God.”

Indeed, we MUST search, learn and teach that women is a human being, and heaven, earth, spiritual and physical is one beautiful equal Mother created by God. Wisdom is that, in old Africa, we did not regard ourselves as superior to Mother nature.

The killing of women is the destruction of the self. Therefore, to realize women’s rights for an equal future, Mutwa counsels us that:

 “We must take a great spiritual step backward. We must adopt the view of creation that was held not only by ancient Africans, but also by native Americans and many other people of the ancient world: that creation is one great and beautiful whole, one revolving sphere of the purest, greenest crystal, a sphere to be viewed from all sides as one thing, instead of a number of shattered fragments upon the dark desert of human folly.”

The creation of a women is one great and beautiful whole. Professor Morgan Ndlovu (2022) taught us that we use knowledge to create reality. Therefore, knowledge about the creation of a women is important in creating reality. Thus, the RIGHTS of women must lead us to an equal future, and this must prevail in all fields of human thought! That future is today.

PS: The interchangeable use of woman, women, human being, and Mother in this piece is deliberate.

  • Ntsofa Clasper Monyela

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